Ada Lovelace, A Pioneer Of Computer Programming And Computer Science

Today marks 197 years of the birth of Ada Lovelace, the forerunner of the computer science through his studies on the analytical engine of Charles Babbage

Ada Lovelace has not gone down in history as the daughter of Lord Byron, one of the great poets of English literature and a symbol of romance, but as the assistant visionary glimpse the possibilities of the analytical engine of Charles Babbage.

Ada Lovelace was a pioneer in his time. He studied mathematics and science, and through their education developed a set of instructions that allowed making calculations in an early version, and far from what we know today as computer. Ada Lovelace’s contributions to the field of computer enabled other scientists like Alan Turing into English, further research in this area to become regarded as the forerunner of computer science.

Augusta Ada Byron-this is his real name, was born on December 10, 1815 in Piccadilly, London. Daughter of Lord Byron and Annabella Milbanke (the princess of parallelograms, as Byron called it), never knew his father, who left England when she was barely two months old after divorcing her mother. Lord Byron wrote to his only legitimate child and often paid tribute to his continued poetic works is not uncommon to find the name of Ada among the heroines of the writer’s works, which continued until his death from malaria in Greece (where the poet had come to work with the nationalist revolution) when she was only eight years old.

At twenty Lovelace Ada married William King, eighth Baron King and who later was appointed Earl of Lovelace. Since then her married name became Lady Augusta Asher Bryon King, Countess of Lovelace. Hence the name was born Lady Ada Lovelace modern. The arrival of three children prevented him from continuing with his studies. He had three: Bryon Noel Byron, Annabella and Ralph Gordon.

Thanks to an exceptional mind and curiosity for mathematics, Ada Lovelace was able to deduce and predict the ability of computers to go beyond the simple calculations of numbers. There have been several women who have made contributions to the computer, but only Ada Lovelace has gotten a programming language that bears his name. His work in this field is recognized and valued in the computer world to the point that the San Diego Computer Center and the Museum of the History of Computers have given Ada Lovelace somewhere between their personalities.

Ada Lovelace died of cancer on November 27, 1852 at 36 years of age and was buried, at his request, beside his father in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Hucknall, Nottingham.

Full scientific training

Attempting to delete any inclination towards literature Ada, Lady Byron educated girls in the scientific world. Thus, from smallish, Ada Lovelace was surrounded by the best teachers. We will provide a comprehensive scientific training, well above what is expected of a woman of the time.

Ada Lovelace received tutoring in math and science, especially astronomy branch, counting among his tutors with the prestigious Morgan Augustus, the first professor of mathematics at the University of London, and Mary Sommerville, a brilliant mathematics just publish a book on celestial mechanics and eventually became his role model.

In 1833, when he had been presented in partnership with its protective and Mary Somerville, Ada met Charles Babbage Lovelace. Weeks after this first meeting, visited with his mother Ada inventor and mathematician in his house, where he showed them the already built his Difference Engine.

Babbage, who from 1828 held the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University (the same who had held Newton), designed his machine to generate mathematical tables automating the steps ‘mechanical’ calculations. Something like the ancestor of today’s computers. And from there began an intense correspondence between the two.

By training, her childhood experience in the design of a machine itself-at twelve wanted to build a flying machine inspired by the experiments of the time-and for its regular visits to factories and workshops, Ada Lovelace could understand how the machine.

Two years later, on July 8, 1835, she married William King, eighth Baron King, later named Earl of Lovelace and eleven years her senior. When Ada marriage became the Countess of Lovelace, and thereafter pass to posterity as Lady Ada Lovelace. But despite the marriage, which had three sons, his career was cut short.

A visionary assistant

Babbage had is so impressed by the capabilities of Ada Lovelace in 1842 that required their services. It was published in French a work on Babbage Analytical Engine and wanted him to translate it into English and annotated expand own. These notes, which tripled the extent of the work that had been translated, turn out to contain what is considered today as the first computer programs.

Among other things, Ada Lovelace described an algorithm for calculating Bernoulli numbers on the Analytical Engine which is considered the first algorithm specifically tailored for a “computer” by the fact that Ada Lovelace is considered the first programmer in history. He also suggested the use of punch cards for inputting instructions to the Analytical Engine.

Ada Lovelace died at thirty-six years-about the same age as his father, the November 27, 1852, due to uterine cancer and probably by the complications of the indentations made by their physicians.

Although many women who have made great contributions to the computer, only Ada Lovelace has a programming language that bears his name. In 1979 the Department of Defense of the United States created a programming language based on Pascal in his honor called Ada programming language.

Ada Lovelace is also a day on the calendar itself: on October 16. Ada Lovelace Day pays tribute to all those women internationally who have contributed effort and little praise in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

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